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Monday 26 December 2016


Talent, we explained, is that thing peculiar to YOU, either you're "born with", or  "grew into"
Here; we'll be discussing talent explicitly under the following sub-topics;
•Identifying your talent
•Talent Myth
•Talent Traits
•Benefits of talent
•Limitations of the talented
•Fate of the Talented
•The power of leading and partnership in innovation

          •Identifying your talent
Charles Schulz stated “Life is a ten-speed bike. Most of us have gears we never use”.  Reading this the first time may not correctly convey to the cerebrum its grasping reality, please read that statement above again, again, just try...  Good!
Did you see that? Yes! That’s great, you’ll then agree with me that this is very true. But how can a man use what he does not know he has? (Quite rhetorical).  Its impossible, should this occur, maximity in such potential is denied and susceptible to abuse. Hence, the need for identification of talent. Talent can be hidden, but once talent is identified, purpose unfolds, and when purpose is known, abuse is forefended.
           Perhaps, you’ve asked yourself this question: What exactly is my talent? Do I even have one? Or Do I have more than one?
             Like a pretty dainty taking a look at the snowballs at winter as they fall with delight to the eye balls, I advise you pay close attention to these answers…
What Is My Talent?
Its simple!  but at times, could be unbelievable. Yes, I found it hard to believe mine too at first, because to me, it was just too casual and fondly.

I call It the 5 WHATS…
1)What do I find easy to do than others?
2)What is it that makes me extremely happy when I do?
3)What “positive” thing takes away my time?
4)What amuses others about me?
5)What one thing do I dream myself doing if I could shut my eyes for few minutes?

"If I can't help myself, then I can't help others" This concept has helped me, and  still helping me, (you know I'm still very small).

Now have you answered the 5 WHATS?
Check again. Have you?
Great! Now, you'll agree with me that; You're peculiar.
Now listen to your heart, what is it saying...  yes! Exactly. That's it.
That is your TALENT, Given to you by the creator to profit withal.

        •Some myths about talent
Myths here refer to a commonly-held but false belief, untrue.
Others cannot suggest my talent.
       Be a good listener, other people can draw your attention to what it is.
I can’t expand in my talent.
I think what separates a superstar from the average ball player is that he concentrates a little bit longer. Talent is elastic, but in contrast to Hooke’s law, elastic limit is not exceeded, and breaking point is not initiated. (you’re too serious, smile…)
I cannot have more than one talent
You can be multi-talented, but you must understand your key talent(s).
  My talents can die
No! In as much the giver lives forever, his  gifts are without repentance.
  I need a lot of resources to expand my talent
      Start right where you are. Cocacola started in cups, not in bottles.
     I do not have to take conscious effort in maximizing my potential.
Stay where you were yesterday today, and tomorrow will still be the same.
      Talent is all about performing; Never bit of reforming.
This also is a myth; You've got to pay attention to your predisposition to people, places and things.
I hope you're getting along?
Relax, we're up to something...

    •Talent Traits ( Adapted from: John Maxwell,  Author of, talent is never enough)
  Trait here literarily refers to "Habits"
1. Belief lifts your talent
2. Passion energizes your talent
3. Initiative activates your talent
4. Focus directs your talent
5. Preparation positions your talent
6. Practice sharpens your talent
7. Perseverance sustains your talent. 
     Remember; “Death isn’t the greatest loss in life.The greatest loss is what dies inside of us while we live.”
        -Norman Cousins
I hope you were blessed.
        To be continued...

By victorrodiya 

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