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Thursday 5 January 2017



The other side of the coin silence.

Silence is often abused.
Abusal of silence here refers to acceptance of silence as a norm, a deliberate refusal of speech when it ought to be uttered or expressed.

I'll be unfair enough, ever to discuss where and when we need silence without considering when I believe silence could be a taboo.

1) When you are oppressed (Greatly overwhelmed my forces you cannot describe)
Way out: Rom 10:13
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved."

2)When you need help.
Way out:
Matt 7:8 says"Whosoever asketh, receiveth: and he that seeketh, findeth: and
to him that knocketh, it shall be opened.
So, here silence can appropriately substitute denial.

3) When you need to scold or correct.
Show me some; parents, guardian, friends, associates,  e.t.c, who will not keep silence when need be, to scold the people around them; and I'll show you some good people making the world a better place, and you and me; better persons.
However; (The correction should be done in love)

4) When you need to say a "NO"
This year, Instead of people acting as salt of this world, they'd prefer acting as sugar, wanting to satisfy everyone.
Do you care for a hot drink?
Will you follow us to the party?
Let's watch this film together, it's not as bad as you think?
Instead of a ready-made "NO", they'd prefer a "tokunbo" (locally deported goods, fondly used in my area) silence.
Smile a little.
At least, just little!
But don't forget the point: You have a say on what goes on in your life, likewise myself, I'm still a small boi you know? (Lolz)

And so on.

But ABOVE ALL:::::

Who is the Holy Spirit?
He is the promised perfect personality sent by the father to teach us all things. The Spirit of truth (John 16:12-14).  The Bible says, For we have an uction from the holy one ( HOLY SPIRIT), that we might know all things.  A perfect teacher, advocate, protector, provider e.t.c

Did you say but I do not have the Holy Spirit. How can I have the Holy Spirit?
Then, you need JESUS:
Just say Jesus, here I am full of guilt, have mercy upon me, give the Holy Spirit, and write my name in the lamb's book, Thank you for saving me, in Jesus Name I've prayed: Amen!
Congratulations!   Acquit yourself with a "complete" bible standardized church close to you. God bless you. I hope you just said god blessed me too... (lolzz).

Thanks for your time!!!
Happy New Year!
            Co-compiler: A.O.T

Read more about the Holy Spirit; Link:


  1. Its quite interesting to read, nice write up.

  2. If you ever keep silent when you fall into a ditch, passer by will not hear you. You need to cry for help.


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