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Tuesday 4 April 2017

Hypocritical vision

"The hypocrisy of some is that we like to think of ourselves as sophiscated and evolved, but we're still also driven by our primal urges like greed and power."
Micheal Leunig.

I've seen a lady who has been suited by over ten(10) persons with confirmation from God, just one God;
I wonder how bad the Secretary of God is, to the extent of keeping discrepant record of matchmaking.

Spiritual brothers doesn't dream of ladies who are not very beautiful, God doesn't connect our spiritual brothers with physically impaired persons, provided, God connects them with the most beautiful ladies in church and He (God) ultimately says the ladies has no choice but to bend to what God has ordered;
Impressive! Isn't it?

I was in a marriage seminar sometime ago where a question was asked by one of us, the participants, that 'what if the person God matches for someone is physically unfit?'

The preacher answered that God will not give you what is bad.
That provided, means that those that are not physically perfect are less than others.

Ladies, start seeing beyond the fabrication our spiritual brothers give you, you should go for what you want, God didn't match you with any guy, it is you that will choose a compatible patner for yourself.

Furthermore, our spiritual brothers should start saying what they really want and not say a Spirit Divine gave them a green light to go for the best lady in the church, even those who you consider less than the best should on no account be accossted on a fabrication of God through our ulterior motives.

Many things determines your compatibility with your spouse; attraction, health, physical features amongst others are to be considered before choosing a spouse.

God is not a matchmaker, He wouldn't do that, it is you that will choose who you want.

And as Jose Marti has said,
"Liberty is the right of every man to be honest, to think and to speak without hypocrisy".

Esq. Emma' 'Pelumi Falode, Pelfald.
# BeBetterBePositive

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