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Saturday 8 April 2017



As it is known to you in the world to acquire all the necessary  knowledge for success.

Now, how is the knowledge acquisition going? 
What have you personally trained and drilled yourself on aside from the regular school lessons? How far have you personally gone among your equals?

Answers to the  above questions are to be supplied by you. It is of no doubt that a few will ignore this message while just few will make  judicious use of it.

I urge you to be among the few beneficiaries. 
This message is directed to you.

THE TOOLBOX OF SUCCESS is right away with you. This toolbox is not the 
same with the toolbox of the apprentice that will be left in the workshop after the daily work.

If you move, it moves with you. If you sleep, it sleep with you. It is with you in all places all the time. You need not to worry about where the toolbox is with you. Relax. This toolbox is invisible.

It is YOUR INVISIBLE YOU. Your invisible you is YOUR THOUGHT. This is where 
all the aspirations to become a medical doctor, an accountant, a lawyer, an engineer, a teacher and all other professions come from.

It is also where the greatness and cremation of a man lies. Always remember that the inception of success is 
from the invisible rem and the end product of it comes a successful being which is highly visible.

Now, how are you using the tools in your own toolbox? Are you using the tools in your toolbox in a decent, good and 
satisfactory way or the reverse? If you are using the tools in a decent way, you yourself will know and if the reverse is the case, it will also be known to you.

Now, just drop all the evil deeds you are using your tools for and reshape your life if you are not on the right path.

Give your life a better look through your toolbox (THOUGHT). Now, let me give you some clue on how to use your toolbox so as to triumph.

STUDY YOURSELF:- You are composed of two things in life. The positive and the negative. These are the two things 
you have to fetch out within you.

Study yourself very well. Table the positive things in your life. List those good aspirations and ambitions. List your bad characters.

List also the bad aspirations and ambitions. Becoming an engineer is a good aspiration while becoming an armed robber is a bad aspiration as you have known. After this, then juxtapose.

List out the advantages and disadvantages in them then.

MAKE DECISION:- Having known the advantages and disadvantages of various ambitions and aspirations, I vividly 
believe that you will make a good decision for yourself. Making a wise decision then becomes a very simple imagery but accomplishing your aspirations becomes subtle.

JEHOVAH GOD FIRST:- First make JEHOVAH GOD your inception in everything in life.

Make HIM all you have. Don’t have any other gods but HIM. Pray to HIM always and obey all his commandments and then look forward to seeing HIS mighty intervention in your life.

VEHEMENT STUDY:- This is another vital way to achieving greatness. Don’t let an hour pass you by without studying 
new things. While you are studying, you are training and broadening your brain and your reasoning. Do read ahead. It pays a big dividend.

RESPECT:- Do respect everybody you meet on the path of success. Respect everybody that respect is to be given to. 
Remember that it is reciprocal. 
Don’t be ingrate.

Always be grateful for everything. Do have horizontal and vertical gratitude. Show appreciation to Almighty Jehovah God and every individual that has contributed to your success. Vertical gratitude is gratitude to Jehovah God while horizontal gratitude is the gratitude to humans.

So, kindly make a proper use of your toolbox. Adhere strictly to the instructions of God Almighty, your parents, your 
teachers, and every other persons capable of leading you to the right path to follow.

Remember that your invisible self 
has a lot to do on your visible self. It is now that you can make a change. Change from your misdemeanor and come to the 
right path and remain firm there. Do remember that it is too late to cry when the head is off.

My reader, the sky is not even your limit because you have unlimited success ahead.  See you at the top. I love you all. 
Feel free to contact me anytime any day

whatsApp (07018691993), twitter (@D_goo_gle_1) and 
(07065046352) my face line. 
God bless us all.


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