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Tuesday 20 June 2017




Behold, we are servants this day, and for the land that thou gavest unto our fathers to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, behold, we are servants in it: And it yieldeth much increase unto the kings whom thou hast set over us BECAUSE OF OUR SINS: also they have DOMINION OVER OUR BODIES, and over our cattle, at their pleasure, and we are in great distress.(Nehemiah 9:37-38).

Please pardon me as I'll want to dive deep a little bit into the spiritual classes. But before then, sin can be anything and its wages is death. Do any fruit of sin having Dominion over your body and other endeavours? The verses above are one of the verses that has caused me tears while reading not too long ago in preparation for this topic.

You can never understand and  unless you see from where you are presently where you should be. Nehemiah must've imagined where Israel ought to be from where they were when he prayed this prayer following all the worldwide news of the great outstretched arms of God for their deliverance till they got into the land.

We also; everyone of us, are we where we should be? I am sure you're not a leader of the prisoners rejoicing when your original configuration is to save the whole world from death by famine; famine of the word of God and material famine?

We should refuse to be slaves in the land we have been ordained to reign; Revelation 5: 10, we refuse!!

Let's go a dive. I was one day coming from a program on a mountain in the city I live. As I left the place, I decided to take a short route where a pastor was holding a church meeting. Because i know the pastor and being a christian meeting, I wasn't afraid to pass by them. Lo, as I go, a friend who we grew up together saw me behind and waved me to wait for him. As he was coming, I could see him shaking which one might want to believe he was being shaking by spirit of prayer. As he got to me, I sensed demonic attack on him. I started praying with him holding his hands because he was seriously shaking. I stopped and asked him how long was the infirmity, he said a while ago. As I prayed with him, I discovered in my hands that the shaking has stopped. I gave him two long tiny sticks to hold at the tip of his fingers, behold they were no longer shaking. Before I was through with him, many students gathered themselves out of the church crowd asking me to come to them. I noticed the pastor was through with the programme that day and was sitting with his wife in front of the congregation. I didn't want to breach his authority, I decided to go to him and greet him first. But I could see the bad look which read that I was trying to pool Crowd out of his church. So I went with my white shirt laid down flat on the floor before him and greeted him. He started speaking to me about the brother I prayed with in an Gnosticism manner and language. I wasn't expecting a pastor to be a cult man, so my mind wasn't on whether what he was saying was what I know.

But suddenly, I was able to understand what he was saying. He was saying that the brother I prayed with was going through a program (spiritual upgrade). I wouldn't know if that is a general language, but whenever you hear around us in Nigeria that an individual is going through a program means that the pastor has scheduled fasting and prayers for the person. But the pastor added something, he said he was being “blend”. Then my understanding woke up.

I started asking him questions right on the floor which people believed he was counseling me. I understood his status immediately because our Lord Jesus has not left me in the dark concerning the advance method of the darkness against the light. When we talked to a stage, there was an issue I never understand concerning “Gnostic Christians”, I asked where will the power in him and many that he has initiated lead them to after this world? He pointed to his left hand side, feeling handicapped, and said pitifully “the other side of eternity of course. I got answer to my long time question. I told him that he should know that I knows everything about what he was doing to people and I held his hand and prayed for him. Whenever I mention deliverance, he won't say Amen till I took my hand away. But when I prayed that his ministry will cover the whole world, he shouted amen loud, but I ended up telling him that he will be delivered.

Let me tell you this morning that many great "churches" like that are everywhere in the world. They transfered demonic power to people through laying of hands, holding hands with people in prayers, buying things use at home, foods, clothes and the like from them, exchange of anything; whenever you touches what they have touched or when you shake them, unless you're carrying the higher power. Whenever you have any issue, the first thing they will say would be intensive fasting and prayer with anointing oil or so! Many are in bandage today for what has been deposited into their lives through visiting "churches" when they themselves cannot prove their salvation correctly. The irony of this is that, when the power come upon them, they also speaks in tongues but those who have the true spirit of God will easily discern their tongues, but those who fall prey many times don't know.

I sharing this this morning because of my experience yesterday. I took public transport yesterday, and a man came in with a small bag, I lost my peace immediately and I could smell occultic stuff from the bag. I wanted to get out of the taxi, but the Spirit kept me. Honestly before I know it, I started seeing flies coming out of the bag. I wanted to say something but I discovered that those in the car could not see those things! Then I went silent rebuking the power. You know what? Those flies were meant to enter into people and foods. I saw it just yesterday around 13:20pm.

We who're ordained to reign on earth, why are we going to be servants in our own lands; why should demonic gathering pulling crowd and the real church scanty? The time to walk into our fulfilment is now! You cannot afford to be mastered by your servant. We own the original power and Satan knows that.

Come to think of it, didn't you noticed when that negative part entered your life? It wasn't so from the beginning! So rise against whichever is your own; we're originally ordained to reign with Christ on earth. See Revelation 5:9-1)


# Golden Servant #

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