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Saturday, 10 February 2018


Curled from James Stewart, (A friend to Helen Ewan).

    We all mirror the glory of the Lord in some degree, but if we are to perfectly mirror His glory, there are three things that must be true of us:

1) The mirror must be clean. A dirty mirror does not give a true reflection.

2) The mirror must be kept clean. In Bible days, when mirrors were made of polished metal, they had to be kept polished to be of any use. And the mirror of your life must be kept clean and polished if it is to perfectly and consistently reflect the glory of the Lord.

3) The mirror must be in place; It must face the object to be reflected. You must have both eyes on Christ, the whole life looking unto him, if you would reflect his glory.

Come to think of it, how could a young lady (Helen Ewan), still pursuing her studies, never having preached a sermon or sung a solo, never having traveled more than two hundred miles away from her home; how could her life so affect people in all parts of the world that they felt a mighty general had fallen? The word of God says, "one of you shall chase a thousand; two shall put ten thousand to flight." Helen Ewan's life had been worth more than a thousand ordinary Christians to the Church, what could have happened? the only explanation is: She was filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.

Click to read more about: Helen Ewan
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