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Saturday 1 July 2017

Things Women Experience in Their Third Trimester

Pregnancy is a physiological changes; not a disease 

Veins Start Bulging

It's common for pregnant women to experience varicose veins and hemorrhoids, especially during their third trimester. This is because of a combination of factors, including the increased weight that your growing uterus puts on the veins between the legs and the heart, which slows down the blood circulation. Pregnancy hormones can also relax the walls of veins, which can lead to swelling, and an increase in fluid retention also plays a role.

Aching Pelvic Pain
As the uterus and pelvis begin to expand in preparation for delivery, the intrauterine ligaments begin to stretch. This process, which can be
excruciating for some, is caused by a hormone called relaxin that relaxes the ligaments surrounding the pelvis.

Belly Gets rapidly more bigger
Considering all of the fluids a pregnant woman retainsthe increase in blood volume, the growth in thbreasts, the placenta, and the amniotic fluid, it's no surprise that many women can easily gain between a half a pound to a pound during each week throughout their last trimester.

Vivid Dreams Begin
Many mamas-to-be experience intense dreams as they approach their due date. It's believed that pregnancy hormones may cause these crazy dreams during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Levels of Calcium Drop
Women have less serum calcium in their body during their third trimester than they did during their first. At this time, a developing baby is transforming cartilage into bone and getting all of his or her calcium from mom.

More Breast Growth
Just when she thinks it isn't possible for her breasts to get any larger, they continue  to surprise you. This rapid increase of breast tissue during the third trimester adds to the two pounds of weight that many women experience by the end of pregnancy.

Lack of Bladder Control
The extra weight that your pelvis is trying to support makes incontinence a likely experience during the end of pregnancy. Not only does gravity put more pressure on your bladder thanks to the weight of your baby and the amniotic sac, but the stretching and weakening of your perineal muscles can also lead to some unpleasant accidents.

Leaky Breasts Begin
Not only are your breasts rapidly growing during this stage, but they are also getting ready to feed the baby once he or she is born. Some moms-to-be experience leaks of yellowish liquid, called colostrum, which is the first substance your baby will nurse after birth.

The Pitch of  Voice Changes
Pregnant ladies shouldn't be alarmed if they notice a change in their voice during the third trimester. Thanks to increased fluids and mild swelling of the vocal folds, some women experience a slightly lower voice for the remainder of their pregnancies.

Eyes Change Shape
Belly isn't the only thing changing shape — so are the eyeballs! Tiny factors, like water retention causing the thickness of your cornea to increase as well as hormones, can cause blurred vision that is typically temporary.

The joys of digestive troubles aren't reserved for the first trimester of pregnancy. As the due date gets closer, a growing uterus pushes the intestines and stomach up to make room. With the discomfort from their organs being in a different position, some women lose their appetite and even a few pounds during the last weeks.

Nerve Problems
The pressure that a growing uterus puts on nerves can also cause numbness and tingling in limbs. Luckily, these symptoms typically resolve after the baby is born.

Feeling Short of Breath
Women intake 20 percent more oxygen during this stage as they work harder to breathe. Not only is the uterus growing upward, which gives lungs less room to expand, but your little one is also metabolizing more from you as well.

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