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Monday 26 February 2018

OMG!! Handsome looking Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs goes ugly

Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs  lailasnews

The tattoo addict reportedly dyed his eyes to complete the striking look, used several coats of black colouring to permanently blacken his skin and implanted huge stretchers in his nose and under his bottom lip as part of his  body-modification process.
Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs  lailasnews 1
“In my opinion, the only person who will only ever understand my transition properly is me. I don’t attempt to describe it to anyone,” he told the Mail Online.
“I’ve always been blown away by art itself. Picasso is a huge childhood inspiration to me, especially abstract art, but I do like all forms of art. Body art was just the next local step for me growing up.
“I wanted to look like an abstract character in one of Picasso’s paintings. I love the abstract look, no thought , just pure expression” he said.
Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs  lailasnews 2
Though he admitted that there can be horrifying consequences if the procedure goes wrong, Mr. Ink however disclosed that tattooing the whites of eyeballs involves delicately injecting ink in-betweek two layers of the Scleral of the eye and letting it spread out.
He added: “That’s the risk you take letting anyone near your eyes, even trained surgeons can make mistake. Body modification is a risk taker’s lifestyle.”
He further said that his extreme appearance, has not affected his love life with his girlfriend Holly, another body-mod enthusiast, who he says is madly in love with him. Mr Ink is also not bothered by negative reactions to his work.

“The best is always nice compliments, that’s always nice to hear, either from tattoo collectors or just passers-by, the worst is always older generation looking down on you and making you feel worthless” he said.
Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs  lailasnews 5
Tattoo addict inks his entire body black, even his eyeballs  lailasnews 6

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