Wounds in friendship;- Figuratively, refers to as the unappealing words or actions of a friend to another, guided by a genuine motive.
Please, understand this.
Wounds are not often desirable, no one wants to be scolded for wrong, no one wants to feel like he/she isn't making the best decision of a situation, no one wants to be really corrected, as though anyone is pretty perfect. None, really.
May I quickly say that a friend in this context may not necessarily mean your age mate, superior or a perfect person precisely. But, an individual that can be trusted with a level of intimacy, time and ideology. It is equally important to note that, whoever is committed to ones' progress will not spare the rod, in the times of need. This explains why wounds are needed.
The infalliable word of God puts it so well; "Wounds from a sincere friend are better than many kisses from an enemy."
(Prov 27:6, NLT)
"Wounds from a sincere friend..."
Over the years, a larger percentage of any progress I make, can be attributed to my friend. He keeps giving me some wounds. Sometimes I feel like crying, other times, I'd feel like ending our relationship. But each time afterwards, I would realize the wound was worth it. I wish to let you know this friend of mine later on though.
Dear reader, have you ever sang in the choir and everyone hailed you, with astounding encomiums, but your best friend, on your way home said "hey dainty, you sounded like a big crab today! That's unusual of you"
Tell me how you would you feel?
(Oh. Oh. Oh... I wish I could hear you, pls tell me in the comment box then)
I could guess, your reply won't be nice, and you would be disappointed to hear that right? You may even decide to unfriend such.
Or a friend who truly loves you realized that you are a gifted artist, but recently, you have traded your time for paintings with something irrelevant, may decide to report you to your parents or higher authorities or even lock you up in a room of paintings over the weekend...(ha ha ha ).
That's hilarious, but here is a huge lover, I tell you.
But the fact is, There are many friends concerned with what we become but very few friends committed to who we really are, in righteousness.
There are many friends concerned with what we become but very few friends committed to who we really are, in righteousness.
Our culture has made the situation worse, leaving us with a wrong mindset that, friendship often involve mutual encouragement to sin. This is not true. That person that makes you feel at home when you violate the principles of God, can't be your friend, but an enemy in disguise. How subtle is a lion in a sheep's clothing!?
⚛️ Hard Facts about the wounds of a friend
1) These wounds are from a True friend.
"If he loves me, he won't hurt me, if she loves me, she won't hurt me at all" that concept is not always true dear. Some hard comments need to passed by a friend to make you change for better some times, this should not be mistaken for an intentionally passed harsh words please.
The onetime Baptist preacher, Charles Spurgeon said something worthy of note about this,
"True friends put enough trust in you to tell you openly of your faults. Give me for a friend the man who will speak honestly of me before my face; who will not tell first one neighbor, and then another, but who will come straight to my house, and say, “Sir, I feel there is such-and-such a thing in you, which, as my brother, I must tell you of.” That man is a true friend; he has proved himself to be so; for we never get any praise for telling people of their faults; we rather hazard their dislike; a man will sometimes thank you for it, but he does not often like you any the better.
2) They are guided by a genuine intention- to make you into a better version of yourself, not to make you feel miserable or unworthy.
3) Refraining the wounds can lead to a potential wipe out.
I can't imagine if I sleep almost all day and nights, but an intimate friend of mine would always burn the midnight oil, but has never lashed my inclination to this unprofitable habit of hypersomnia. The end is predictable, as such friend will greatly do well in his or her dealings than me. However, if he or she hasn't refrained such counsel, I would have been more productive too.
4) These wounds are re... CLICK TO READ MORE
Oops! This is getting unintentionally much.
Please; Go take some coffee, see you in a jiffy!!!
CPB:Devoted to bringing you the best across the globe.
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