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Tuesday, 1 January 2019

New year address by NANSNM president

All glory, honour and adoration belong to the giver of life and the supreme in all circumstances, Almighty God in whom everything came to be.
Solidarity greetings to all nursing students across the federation. Compliments of the Yuletide season, the leadership of our dearest association wishes you a prosperous and fun-filled year. Just like yesterday, the experience in May 2018, when the national and zonal executives of this association were elected in Egbe, Kogi State Nigeria remains fresh in our memory. I could remember our manifestoes even as contestants, what we assure you then are what we are currently doing and we would continue the good works.
Sincere appreciation goes to the mother body of our dearest association (NANNM) under the auspices of Comr. Adeniji Abdulrafiu. Thank you for your support thus far. We wish you a golden and prosperous new year.
To all students’ leaders, both past and present, who have relentlessly served humanity and have pulled the resources together for the led to rise, many thanks to you. This year is a year of reward for all your efforts and labour over student movement.
Students’ leadership should be a platform where students are built for future construction, not a platform for students to get mar for future repair. Many of the students’ leaders in most schools of Nursing in Nigeria if asked today would have 80% of experience been bitter (though the active executives that choose to be activists). Many students’ leaders cannot ask the question “WHY”……. Hmmmmm………. How can one advocate without the WHY FACTOR? Absolutely impossible. The bridge between the students’ leaders and most school management has been broken today. The grievances, pains and diverse happenings in our various schools which are not pleasing to our status as students aren’t meaningless to the leadership of this association. I want to use this opportunity to assure us that we would not be close mouthed, taciturn and unforthcoming to the constitutional assignments expected to be performed as servants of the students’ populace. You have elected us to serve you and represent you in everywhere that a call demands. We are glad that you have chosen us. This is an indicator that you have trust and confidence in us.
I have always been preaching unity before my adventure into the students’ unionism because the mother of peace, strength and progress is unity. No wonder the Africa proverb says that UNITED we STAND, divided we fall. Years back, the strength of unity among students has been below expectation until recently when the bridge’s construction was taken over by some gallant comrades. I want to sincerely urge all Nursing students in Schools of Nursing and departments of nursing across the nation to see each other as one and maintain the spirit of oneness and camaraderie. Let us embrace ourselves and our achievements in 2019 and stop picking faults in others, most especially picking faults from those that are leading the students’ union. Let the unity be so strong that an injury to one becomes an injury to all. We believe you can make this happen.
Upon numerous consultations, our diverse and numerous challenges that we have presented before the leadership of the association have only one solution. The solution is ‘educational restructuring’, meaning that nursing education needs to be moved from hospital based training to the university. As we have all known that hospital based training offers us no certificate that could be quantified educationally, elongate the years of acquiring degree, stress parents in the payments of exorbitant fees, encourage massive emigration of nurses and nursing students leading to brain drain in Nigeria, among other disadvantages. It is on this note that the leadership of our association initiated a movement called MOVE US TO UNIVERSITY in 2018. The leadership of this association is hereby calling upon all nursing students in Nigeria, staff nurses, NANNM officials and UGONSA to come together as one to champion this movement to victory.
Our words for you this year would be incomplete if the leadership of this association is not encouraging us to be more studious in this year, attend life changing programs all round the year and acknowledge God in all our ways. Let us see our books as good partners as we sail through this year and let’s endeavour to attend programmes that are educative, informative, political and purposeful as we spend our 365 days of 2019.
I am an optimist, believing in possibilities because the only impossible is that task that has never been given trial. We are here to serve, hence, the opinions, suggestions, advice, criticism and encouragements to make it possible are always welcomed. Unity is the key, united we stand forever. Our center this year is Unity. Until we are moved to university, our agitation and vociferation continue to take the space.
Once again, happy new year, do have a prosperous year ahead.
Aluta continua, Victoria ascerta.
Yours in struggle,
Comr. Ayelabowo Sina.
National President.

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