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Thursday, 3 January 2019

The Access

We actually need to understand that access is the permission, liberty, or ability to enter, approach, or pass to and from a place or to approach or communicate with a person or thing (Merriam-Webster).

There is always a solution to every life crisis and situation. The fact that you are in a long-standing bottlenecked situation is not a guarantee that there's no KEY in opening the door.

Identification of light/key is a great discovery. The earlier your discovery, the better your stressless access.

Jesus said in the epistle of John chapter ten verse nine -  "I am the door...." No other legit access than the door. It is possible to be a robber in the spirit - access apart from the door.

The fact that you see people getting rich, looking fulfilled, diving in the spirit realm, among many other things, is not an evidence that they got it through the legitimate route - Jesus. I will like you understand the concept of witchcraft.

You can become extremely rich, influential and feel arrived with accepting Jesus. You can look around, you'll see many evidences. But I tell you, every shortcut is a wrong cut; every wrong cut is a potential bomb ready to explode, here, or thereafter. Count the cost!

There is just one access. It's Jesus. Paul's letter to the Ephesian church chapter two verse eighteen affirms it.

To be continued in the next edition.

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