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Friday 2 December 2016


It is amazing how believers can carry about the very solution to their present predicament on the pages of their ever closed bible and jotters. Beloved, it is the truth that you know that can profit you, not the one in your jotter. Mental assent to the word of God is one of the strongest enemy of the bible Faith. Have you heard of this popular saying " God said it, I believe it, that settles it" . This statement, although not wrong is never the complete definition of Faith, there is more to faith than believing and confession. The end of the bible faith is a performance. The word of God that you don't put to work can't work for you.

That you mentally assent or confess the word over some areas of your life (e g health, finances) is great, only that many folks stop there, they never step out on the waters. I remember sometime ago, I was down with the symptoms of malaria, I do believe the Word, so I began to confess the word of God. I thus got out of bed and began to act out what the word said. Guess what! That was the end of the story.

Do you know that the reason why many believer haven't seen God at work in their life is not necessarily lack of faith,  but because many never stepped out on the waters. Backing their confession with appropriate actions.

Acting on Gods word is never a risky adventure, however to a carnal man faith may appear as a risk, this is because faith is an exclusive spirit reality, only your spirit can trust God enough to launch out at his command. Your senses can't capture God, God is Spirit and so only your spirit can touch him. Have you exercised your faith against a mountain and nothing seems to be changing. Beloved never be discouraged, God is busy working behind the scene. Never listen to the devil,  just have faith in the faithfulness of God. Listen to what the bible has to say about this 

“For yet a little while,  And He  who is coming will come  and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith;  But if anyone draws back,  My soul has no pleasure in him.” Hebrew 10:37-38.

That things have not changed doesn't mean it cannot or it will not cahnge. If we truly trust God we will wait for him. Patience is a character of the bible faith. Beloved, I so much believe that all things are walking together for you, just because the bible says so. Don't chicken out.
Your friend in the faith 

Written by Bro Damilola Alabi

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