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Friday, 21 December 2018


    When the roll is called up yonder will you be there ? This is enough to make anyone seek God and cause the person to get revived and be serious with God, so that at the end of the day, the Master will say: 'Welcome, faithful and obedient servant, enter into the joy of your Master'.
    We need revival beloved, we are far from what God is demanding from us. The prayerlessness that have gripped many Christian is so pathetic. Prayerlessness and hatred for prayers, we do more of jamboree and forget the place of prayer. We are in a generation where youths prefer jamboree to prayer. Entertainment has taken the place of quality praise worship and aggressive prayer. Worldliness has eaten up many  Christian and churches. Instead of following the scripture we allow the world to dictate to us and conformed us into their image. It has now become very hard to differentiate between Deborah and Delilah, whereas there should be a great of difference.
    Deborah is a prophetess while Delilah is a harlot. But looking into the world Deborah has been turned to Delilah. Worldliness is an enemy of revival and that is weapon the devil is using to kill the fire of revival in our midst.
     When we gather for prayer, instead of spirit filled gathering, what God see is worldly filled gathering. Fire cannot spark when there is resistance, God cannot set you on fire with worldliness in your life. Only a dead man can see God, you must die to worldliness and be living in the spirit.
    Ask Yourself: Let me ask myself; how do you dress, to glorify God or the World ? How do you talk, to edify God or please the world ? What kind of relationship are you into, godly or what ? You are improving in your quality of holiness and consecration ? Will you not be condemned for soiling the name "Christian"? Check the life of the life of the Apostles, are you fitted to their lifestyle? Is your dressing and lifestyle creating a stumbling block for others ? Beloved we really need to place ourselves on the scale of the Almighty and know what we weigh before we start bragging and boasting. What will God say concerning your present state right now ? How far have you gone in your assignment ? Don't you know He has given you an assignment to do here on earth ? Many don't even understand their assignment and what God wants them to do in life. They just want to enjoy life and have fun. But at the end of it all, what will be your reward ? Vanity upon upon vanity.

      Beloved there is nothing in this world, you came with nothing and you will take nothing out of it, but where will your eternity be ?Why are you so entangled with the things of the world ? Why are you so concerned about beauty and handsomeness ? The Bible gives beauty zero, it says "Beauty is vain". 

   Listen, the world has failed us, government have failed us, they cannot control crime, Poole are killing themselves and each other, sicknesses and diseases are increasing, they have no answer to insurgency and ritual killlings, they have no answer to economic situation of the country. Family have failed us, Marriages and homes are failing and collapsing, divorce is on the increase. Many couples are strangers to each other and children brought up in such homes rarely do well. Schools too have failed us. Secondary school children are going about with condoms and contraceptive in their bags, they sniff and swallow drugs, get involved with occultism and cults. Teachers too have failed us, they are meant to be guiding and teaching students but rather pursing students at various corner and having affairs with students that they are twice and thrice their age. What a pathetic situation we find ourselves.

      Where can we actually run to ? Only God can save us, it is God we can run to for help. We need to cry out for personal revival. We need the Holy Ghost to re-arrange our lives for a revival. Fasting has become history to many Christian, spirit of gluttony has taken over. Instead of prophet we are having parrot, instead of sons and daughters to be seeing visions they are just dreaming and what are they seeing ? Masquerade in the dream, eating in the dream, having sex in the dream, swimming in the dream etc. Some don't even dream at all. May God have mercy. God expect you to be having strange encounters and visions but it is demon and spirit that are visiting you.

     Beloved we need revival, God is calling you for  revival. Spirit is crying for Revival. God has given the deliverance of your family into your hands but if you don't deliver yourself how do want to deliver your family ? We need to cry out for the mercy of God. Beloved God loves you too much for you to be destroyed.
      There is need to get revived, there is need to be on fire for the Lord and to improve on your spiritual life and drain it of religion and get the supernatural power of the Word to come into your life. There is need to stop being a 'Mechanical Christian' and become one that is led of the Spirit of God. Everything about us must get anointed, our deeds, thoughts, actions etc. The Bible says: 'A highway shall be there and a way, it shall be called the way of holiness. No unclean thing shall move therein, but the way faring men, they will not make mistakes therein' 

    This means that people may call you a fool for becoming Christian. It doesn't matter, just make sure you are in line with the Word of God
Beloved if are not born again, do that right now, He is faithful and ready to draw you closer. Ask the Lord to forgive you and cleanse you from all unrighteousness. Appropriate to yourself the sacrifice that the Lord Jesus made on the cross at Calvary for the redemption of sinners.
If You have backslided also, cry to God for forgiveness and repent from every dead works, ask Him to help you return back to Him and never go back to the world.

If you are a Christian but not doing the right thing, repent today and allow God begin to lead you into those things you suppose to be doing. I pray God will help you in Jesus name.

PLEASE NOTE: Revival can only take place when you repair the altar like the way Elijah did and wait for the FIRE to FALL.

Prayer Point
Holy Ghost fire, take your position in my heart, in the name of Jesus.

Thanks for reading,

Written by your brother in the Lord,

Olaleye Olalekan.

CPB: Devoted to you.

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