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Friday 24 March 2017


All colours are said to be the same in darkness, but when darkness stays for a number of time, it'd start hallucinating colours.

My school of practical teaching do have a segment for special students and specifically the blind, and with time myself and the blind students got familar with each other.

I noticed that they have, with time adapted to their condition and no more think like minors in the society as other normal people suppose, the do not think they cannot see, they feel the joy even other persons who have it all doesn't feel.

They do not have eyes but they have vision, they mentioned a name of a youth service corp member who was good and unforgetablle to them and their, and further said my name would be in their hearts too forever.

History is said to be written, but memories remains in the heart, either good or bad.

They cannot see this I'm writing but I also made them feel they own the world as well.

Even with many of them older than myself and still in secondary school, they still do better than the fresh students in the school.

Their life is a message to me, and to every human out there, I believe I can do it, if I can think it, no matter the circumstances, if you believe, you will achieve.

I do believe my imperfections gives me a edge than others, and I do as well wish you have that kind of belief as well, utilise your imperfections even do greater exploits than others who are perfect, yes, you can do it, you will do it, I believe with things going wrong even, the better a positive result you should be expecting.

I wish you Peace, and Greatness, even when you do not have what others have.
Please, do have a great time  ahead.

'Emma 'Pelumi Falode, Pelfald.

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