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Tuesday 27 June 2017



When one newly gave his life to Christ, he spent time in place of asking God questions concerning anything He says. I personally spent time because i couldn't combined working and waiting in the spirit to receive from God; I do one thing at a time.

When I became about four(4) years older in Christ, my questioning was reducing. This curled within me a thought–question of either I was still fervent as I use to be... After about eight years in the Lord, I checked down the line how enquiries and waiting to receive was, I wondered if i wasn't having problem? ...until one day that God confronted me with a question “how long would you want to remain a babe?”

That question made a lot in my life as I was still unable to understand before He started giving me illustrations. One of the illustrations He gave me was “a student who scored all the marks of his or her class work, will such spend time like the one that scored half, Or will he that scored 90% stayed as the one who scored 75% in the place of correction or re-tuition?

It was difficult because I wasn't expecting the language of God to have changed. It wasn't His language that changed but He could speak the real language and I'll easily understand without struggle. 

God will not change His character to make you understand His statements, but He rather help you, your understanding to grow up to the level of understanding those things. When that is gradually accomplishing in you, if care is not taken, you might think you're no longer active as before or even measuring your level of righteousness and purity as have diminished from what it use to be. Though it is possible to go down the line but to some, that might not be the case. We might need to check our past standard by comparing it to the present.

This topic is aimed at exposing the true measure one should give why evaluating what the lack of knowledge and understanding made us to persistently waited long to receive in the past from now that with only whispering from the father one easily understands Him. The total time spent sometimes in place of "prayer, studying the word and listening to sermons" may not determine the amount of Him we have. The amount of Him we possesses is determined by the very quality time we spend connecting with Him which location does not variate.

For instance. One who is familiar with the Bible might not need searching the bible if God will say “my hands are not too short to save”, such will even continue the chapter offhand without opening the bible. Also, one might think he or she has not been led to open bible like in the past when if God says *“in the beginning was the word” such fellow spend the whole day looking for that statement, haven't spend time to locate that might be considered as though the fellow has spend time studying the bible.

For example. A new convert will spend time rejoicing over seemingly fulfilment of kinds of righteousness meet on daily basis. But for a mature Christian, righteousness is become part of him or her and might not lay to mind every righteousness fulfilled because it  is done in unconsciousness when righteousness has become his or her identity.

In Luke 10:17-20, the bible says the disciples came rejoicing that demons were subdued by them.

But Jesus shocking their expectations in verse 20 said they should not rejoice over edible intermitted success. One will think Christ was trying to play a game, not until I read that the first day the Apostles got baptized with The Holy Spirit in Act 2:41 that three thousand souls were added to the church and every nations there present could here them in their different languages! It was not recorded that they flooded the city jubilating that such wonder and souls have been added to the church. Even when five thousand was added, they did not in same way.

But I was stunned when I read how they were beaten up and they came back rejoicing that they shared in the suffering of Christ in Act 5:41. They were changed to accepted the once unaccepted predicaments of the race as a reason of grown to the level of God's expected stage for  them. 


(Golden Servant)

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