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Tuesday, 16 January 2018


The Total Man
It is believed and evident that man is three in one.... Spirit soul and body.  This is line and agreement with the Trinity. When God said let us create man in our own image,  he was communicating  with God the Father,  God the son and God the spirit.

He needed to create man like Him and thus man needed to also possess such triune nature.
The functions of the Trinity does not experience confusion,  the same way it is expected that the triune nature of man should be in one accord although may vary in their systems of functioning.

The Spirit
The spirit is the breathe of God that brings life into man..... And he breathe into his nostrils and he became a living being... At the beginning,  God's spirit gives us life(everyyhing that makes us up)

The Soul
Kardiva has helped us so far on understanding the dealings of the soul... But lemme quickly define Soul as the planning center of a man's life,  inspired by the things we commit ourselves to.... Little wonder the scripture says guide your heart with all diligence for out of it comes the issues of life with academic excellence inclusive
The soul listens to a lot of voices, that's why you must search out the voice of the Spirit so that it can speak expressly to you.

The Body
The medium of expressions of the plannings in the soul which is inspired by the Spirit  for a man that is in the right order:

Now having giving us a brief description of the total man... It is expedient that we talk about academics.

The real definition of academics defiles practicability but appreciates intellectual theoretical cognisant. But for the sake of tonight's lecture,  we will simply understand it as everything that has to do with our study of nursing and other related disciplines.

As we know,  how can we talk about a nurse and not talk about reading and studying,  this is why it is expedient that we understand how our academics is strongly connected to the total man

1John 2:20 But you belong,The Holy One anointed you,and you all know it(msg)

Kjv simply put as you have a spirit,  the anointing of the Holy One and you know all things

It's simple,  you have the anointing,  the Spirit,  and you know all things..... I will send to you the Spirit and He will teach you all that you need to know.... The first criteria to succeed academically is to be filled with the SPIRIT OF GOD.

He did not say it will teach alone but also remind them,  you say it was his teachings he was talking about,  I want to ask you,  was architecture not part of God's teachings when Noah built the ark,  and a host of other disciplined embedded in that revelation.

... The same he spoke to Moses about how the ark should be made and the eventual maker.

Before I stop there, let me also remind you what ELIHU said in Job 32 Vs 8, starting from 7, he said I discovered that is not by age or experience alone but by a breathe of God upon man which is the Spirit and the inspiration for understanding.

Lemme quickly talk about the second fact.... Your soul must be diligent,  the diligence experienced in the physical is a result of diligence in the soul.... Have they told you that you can never be the best and you agreed,  your soul needs repair because what you have done is to permit such words enter you and thus determine the issues of your life.

Guide your mind with all diligence.......... Have you seen a man diligent in his doings..... Even I understood than my teachers..... This three things all point to one thing THE INSPIRATION OF THE SPIRIT Including DILIGENCE.

And an excellent spirit was in Daniel.... Excellent spirit is an application in the Spirit,  if you don't explore it,  you will not know how to use it.

Just like u can hold your phones without knowing how to use some of the applications, same way you may be punishing yourself if you do not explore application excellent spirit.
Now to the body, it's simple,the expressions of issues dealt with by the Spirit and refined in the soul.

Finally tonight.... I believe we have understood to an extent the correlation of our academics to the total man

To activate this application; It requires Prayer,  Holiness and Diligence (PhD of academics)

Note that a non Christian can do well academically but you see the difference between us and them is that our own excellence is to multiply the kingdom and not to brag

Ask yourself how unbelievers around you feel when you fail, you need to align your total man in response to academics at this very point you are.....

Academics is a strategy the devil is using to take man away from God but at the same time,  it is a tool God has delivered into the hands of sons and daughters to bring the lost one to him.

Academic excellence should not bring you closer to God or take you away from him,  it should just be a normal lifestyle

This is the conclusion of it all,  Never try to do it on your own, nothing that he can't do,  you don't understand  pharmacology,  ask him,  he admistered the first anaesthetic agent.... You don't understand skin problems, ask him, he allowed job to have skin diseases

And don't forget to explore every resources he has put around you in terms of human and material(books)
Stretch yourself in His Spirit



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