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Sunday, 14 January 2018


It is an important thing for us to know that God deserves our first. What we need for our daily pursuit is more than physical things, we need the ruler of the supernatural world for us to be extraordinary in our activities.

The following reasons are why you need to pray as you awake to life every morning:-

1. You need to get the necessary victuals needed for the day.

2. Prayer in the morning is so important because you meet God before you meet the Devil.

3. You meet God before you meet the circumstances of life.

4. You talk to God before you talk to many people.

5. You fellowship with God before you fellowship with other people.

6. You hear news from Heaven before you receive any breaking news.

7. You sit before God before you sit before people.

8. You kneel before God before you kneel down before men.

9. You Honour God before you Honour people.

10. You get into His Presence before you get into the presence of people.

11. You feed your Spirit before you feed your body.

12. You  call Jesus before you call all other small names.

13. You see Jesus Christ before you see yourself in the mirror. 

14. You sweep your heart before you sweep your yard!

So, beloved, wake up and open your mouth and fellowship with your Lord Jesus!
Prayer is a powerful weapon and the weapon is in your hand and d power is in ur mouth, rise up and use the power of prayer to empower yourself.

Until you rise to use the weapon, you can't win the battle.
Take up the responsibility for your life. may the Lord see you through.

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