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Wednesday, 27 February 2019


Everyone thinks. It is either shallow with rudimentary foresight or definitive and solution driven. Mentally derailed individuals also think, but  distorted. The ability to make your thoughts become key to unlock you from your shackles distinguishes you from a worrier.

To everything you do, there is an active or potential effect. Being worried will eventually get you a trophy of uncertainty as a qualification to emotional distress. To be worried is good, at least, it takes away your joy and offset your eye from seeing the positive aspect of a situation. Beware!
Shallow men think of luck, great men think of cost and effect. Men who worry instead of having a correct thought are potential loser.

A pregnant woman visited her doctor with  ultrasound scan result revealing excess amniotic fluid at 37weeks of pregnancy. Before the visit, she could not close her eye peacefully during the night to enjoy coolness of the season but was extremely worried. "Have you been able to suck the excess fluid with your worry?" The doctor asked. "No, it hasn't, and cannot" the pregnant woman responded. The doctor afterward said "Bury  your worry, and leave the solution-driven thinking for me".

It's important to understand that worry will not add an inch to our Zacheaus's height. Instead, climb the tree of solution which is a product of positive thinking.

We most times forget that there's a fact in criticism/problems/crises that is actually meant for us to utilize. 

Open your eyes to see opportunities instead of shedding crocodile tear.
Life is too short to worry about. Think your way out.

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From crownpasteblog

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