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Thursday, 22 February 2018

Types of Students You'll See in The Lecture Room

Lecture room is use to be like a cinema house where everyone plays different roles as the lecture continues.

Anyone who has been to a lecture room knows students play different roles during lectures.

There are those who actually listen to the lecturers and and there are those who just sit in the class to watch the lecturer deliver his lecture » and leave.
Aside from these two major groups, there are other different types of students you will see in a lecture room.
If you look at your lecture room, you can always find this types of students in the class.

The latecomers
It is pretty easy to notice the latecomers when they stroll into the class like the Vice Chancellor. If the lecture room has two entrances, the latecomers find it more convenient to use the back entrance without disturbing proceedings.

The ones who ask pointless questions
You really can't tell why these students ask questions just to give their fellow students and lecturer a headache. When the lecture is about osmosis, these guys ask questions about reproduction. They probably do this to show they've read ahead of the class.

The Noisemakers
These set of students enjoy being in the lecture room not because the course or the lecturer is interesting but because they derive joy in distracting others.

The ones who take note of everything
When it comes to note-taking, there is no point competing with these students. These students try to write everything verbatim including the lecturer's » coughs and smiles.

The sleepers

As if attending lecture is a sleeping drug for these students, once the lecturer enters the class, the sleepers begin to sneak in and out of sleep, waking intermittently when the class gets a little rowdy, smile sheepishly to make you think they are aware of what happens and then slide back into their sleep.

As earlier stated, the lecture room comprises of so many students and each of them display different characteristics during lectures. If these list seems incomplete, tell us other types of students the list should cover.

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