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Friday, 16 March 2018


   This article is curled from the messages of the General Overseer, Dr. D.K Olukoya.
 And special thanks to the Holy Spirit for the inspiration. I pray that as you read God will touch your heart in Jesus name.

    Have you ever wondered, that out of all the animals created by God, the dog remains one of the most sexually perversed animal.
 A dog can have sex with his fellow dog and human beings; this makes a dog a sexually perverse animal. It is quite impossible to see a Lion having sex with a woman, you cannot see a woman romancing a giraffe or cow. Even fish cannot copulate with a snake or human being. But dog is very sexually perverse, and this is what the world is turning into; a doggish world( a sexually perverse world).

I want you to read with careful understanding, to explain this topic, lets hear what the Word of God have to say.

James 1:14-15
 [14]But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. [15]Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death".

          We live in a world where lust is controlling the lives of many people, in a world where the practice of righteousness is too difficult for so many people, in a world where sex and immoral thought rule  the heart of young and Old people.

     All the 'it's a mistake, there is no mistake' It is lust right in the heart. Lust has turned our world upside down, it has turned right into wrong and wrong into right. Lust has put many destinies into bondage. Lust is a silent killer, it is a silent killer because the effect cannot be read on the face but in the heart. Which mean you can be alive but to God you are a living corpse. Listen to what Jesus has to say about lust.

"[27]Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery: [28]But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart".
Reuben lost his destiny because of sex and a terrible judgement was pronounced against him-Genesis 49:3-4.

   The thing is that, it is you and I that don't know what we are doing but the enemy knows what they are doing. One name you cannot call the devil is " a fool" because he knows the sin he will put you into that God will find it hard to forgive you.

         The sin that the devil has put many people into is that of the sexual sin. One of the sins that God get angry with is the sexual sin because you are polluting His temple. He created sex for a purpose but the devil has turned the purpose against many people in the world.
Fewyears ago, I read in the newspaper how a court in Brazil allowed a woman to masturbate for 10 minutes in her office for every 2 hours because she had this uncontrollable urge for masturbation, which mean she can masturbate for 48 times in a day. We lived in a world where people have no shame anymore. Sexual sin do not have any age bracket attached to it, both young and Old are trapped in this act. I was told of a girl of 14 years of age who claimed to be a lesbian and how she had brought friends like her into this sinful act. Nigeria has high percentage of sex immortality but cannot know because it is practiced secretly. Somewhere in Africa, a group of women came out and protested that they no longer want their husband again, they want divorce all because their men cannot satisfy them sexually anymore. The movie industry has portrayed homosexuality and lesbianism in a shameful way. You hardly can differentiate between a music video and pornography. Sexual immorality has quietly crept into so many activities in the world and You and I must be careful if we really want to make heaven.

      Every sinful act committed with your body attracts huge punishment and judgement. Sexual immorality has engulfed the soul of this generation an the world at large. This is a world in which young people knows how they love each other by having sex outside marriage. This is a world that the heart of many men are filled with adultery and fornication. The devil has created a special date all over the world to celebrate sexual perversion and secretly putting lives into eternal bondage on every February 14" Valentine day". Many destinies are slaughtered on the alter of sex that day, its a day of massive harvest of souls for the kingdom of darkness.
         Access to your body is sacred thing, you think God is a fool when He careful put a gate at the entrance of women reproductive organ? But ignorantly many ladies of destiny has wet their blood with purposeless boyfriend. Listen to me, anybody that defile you is an important person in your life because you entered into blood covenant with that person which last forever unless broken by the power of prayer. That's why God attached a strict condition to sex -MARRIAGE. What you don't know is that you acquire the demons of your sexual partner whenever you have sex, and every time you have sex you become more demonized.This is why is always advisable for both "husband and wife to be" to go for proper deliverance programme before marriage.
The chemistry behind sex is so powerful. The demons you acquire from one sexual partner increases the more you sleep around with different sexual partners. Demons have no respect for condom, they will cross over. And when you sleep with anybody "TWO become ONE"(that's the two of you become one in the spirit), therefore when you sleep with different sexual partners you fragmentize your life and destiny into pieces. If there is any activity you must pay attention to,it's your body, it is sex. Because it deals with your destiny.

The weapon behind any sexual sin is LUST -1 John 2:15.
           Lust is that burning and over powered desire to satisfy your sexual appetite, to satisfy other things. It is lust that makes you sexually arouse when talking to the opposite sex. It is lust in you that X ray(naked) the opposite sex in your heart. It is lust that makes women sexually attracted and lust after each other. It is lust that makes you think of raping that girl or boy or house help. It is lust that kindles the fire of masturbation in you. It is lust that fires up your desire for pornography. It is lust that robs you of your common sense to sleep with that house help. It is lust that robs you of your common sense to be running after boys and girls below your age. It is lust that increase your passion for having sex with people who are enough to be your parent.
Now cry out to God! "that Altar of lust in my heart  be destroyed by the hammer of God ".
  It is lust that makes you admire the body contour of the opposite sex. It is lust that fires up your desire to wear revealing dresses. It is lust that have allowed you to be having immoral thoughts and fantasy alone in your bedroom at night.

    We are living in a world that church going girls are wearing less covering dresses to seduce men that their heart are already filled with adultery and fornication.
  I want you to understand that ladies of destiny are not loose with their pants likewise boys of destiny are not loose with their zip. The devil has really wounded our world and we are yet to discover but time will tell. Any relationship that started because of sex can never bring peace of Mind. And getting married is not an escape route for sexual perversion. A man or woman that cannot control lust before marriage cannot control it after marriage. It is lust that gave birth to all sexual perversion and Immortality.

          Like I said; the dangers of lust cannot be read on the face but in the heart. This is the reason why many prophets of God has been de-anointed. This is the reason why we cannot experience divine power of God and true revival. Lust has converted many useful men into saw dust. Lust has  punctured the agenda of God for so many people. Lust has destroyed so many glorious sisters and brothers communication with the Holy Spirit. I Pray God will help us in Jesus name.

 Sex in the heart.
X ray spirt.
Shaven Samson
Baby polygamist (having many boy/girlfriends).
Violent introduction.
Sexual day dream.
Soul ties (having slept with different sexual partners).
Fragmented soul.
Constant wet dreams.
Sleeping with animal (bestiality).
Pornography( it is on record that 75% of internet users as from 10pm are viewing pornography and the largest age group is between 13-18).
Reading romantic book.
Oral sex.
Group sex.
Sex with children.
Molech organ (sexual organ that has been sacrificed to idol).
Pornographic magazine.
Sexual addiction.
Lost virtues because of sex.
High mileage Christian etc.

If you find yourself in any of this categories, you need to be very prayerful to deliver yourself

"We are now living in a world legalizing same sex marriage"

Feeling of guilt.
Diminished effectiveness.
Fragmented soul.
Self condemnation.
Divided mind.
Disobedience to God.
Reprobate mind.
Damaged self esteem.
Delivered to satan.
Unwanted pregnancy.
Sin against your own body.
Damaged relationship with God and The Holy Spirit.
Wrong marriage.
Wrath of God.
Troubled marriage.
Divine punishment.
Bad marital foundation.
Physical and spiritual death.
Lose of destiny.
Breeding of bastard.
Damaged testimony.
Evil blood covenant.
Wasted time.
Ministry damaged.
Internal yoke will receive strength etc.

Note: Sexual sin is a hard slave driver - it will keep you longer that you want to stay and cost you more than you want to pay. The father of sin is the devil and the mother of all sin is Lust.

                  WAY OUT.
Flee -1 Corinthians 6:18-20..
Burn the bridges of lust.
Discipline your body.
Be renewed in your mind.
Make a covenant with your eyes -Job3:1.
Learn the power of prayer and the word of God.
Surrender to Jesus.
Love God above all things.
Regularly remind yourself that lust is a sin.
Proceed on deliverance if you cannot control your body.
Stay busy and be careful.
Spend little time in the presence of those whose presence make you to lust.
Kill all strange thought.
Fill your mind the thought of God Philippians 4:8.
Realize that God has provide a way to escape from all temptation.
Don't put yourself in a position where temptation will be great.
Never plan sin.
Don't be over confidence.
Take radical action against any impure thought in your life.
Sanctify yourself.
Scan the people around you.
Make a life long commitment of studying, meditating and memorizing the scripture.
Watch and pray.

God bless you!

Compiled by: 

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