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Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Woman set fire to her wedding dress – See her shocking reason

Woman set fire to her wedding dress - See her shocking reason lailasnews 5

The 34 year old woman even staged a photoshoot showing her destroy the white gown and wedding bouquet  came through last month after her divorce. She had been married to her husband for 16 years, but recently discovered that the man had been cheating with a mutual friend of their on Facebook.
Woman set fire to her wedding dress - See her shocking reason lailasnews
Kristy told Metro US:
‘I wanted to burn the dress, because I couldn’t burn the marriage. I got my friend, she had a professional camera, we went down the Bayou, on a road and did my thing. We went back to her house, her yard and burned the dress, and it was a weight lifted off my shoulders.
‘It definitely helped me get through everything.’
Kristy said her October 2001 wedding day was the happiest day of her life. She believed her marriage was a happy one until she discovered her husband sexting a mutual Facebook friend last September.

Devastated Kristy offered to forgive her ex, who she does not want to name, but finished it because his attempts at rebuilding the relationship were half-hearted.
And it was while clearing out their shared home that Kristy hatched her dramatic plan to destroy the outfit that symbolized the failed relationship.
Kristy, whose photos were taken by her friend Kim Michel said:
‘The day I was divorced I decided to burn the wedding dress. It was hung up in my closet. I got the idea because we were packing stuff up in the house, because I’m getting rid of the house. I threw everything, I pulled it out.
‘It was a symbol of something i thought was good that turned bad. Nobody talked me out of it, everyone was very supportive and there for me. It was great. That was my original wedding bouquet too. It was burnt. I threw it in the fire. The dress burnt to nothing. I felt lighter after that.’
Woman set fire to her wedding dress - See her shocking reason lailasnews 4
Kristy even went ahead to tell her former husband what she had done:
‘I explained that I did it for me and he had nothing to do with it. He was fine.’
She has moved on with her life and is now in a relationship with another partner and she maintained that the divorce will not deter her from getting married again.
Kristy explained:
‘I’m doing great. I’m in a relationship now. He’s definitely different to my ex-husband, in a good way.
‘I definitely would love to get married again, and I would definitely wear a white dress, but it would be so different to that dress.’.

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