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Wednesday, 4 April 2018

MEDIA IN THE HAND OF GOD - Olawoore Samuel

Exodus 4:2-5 KJV
And the Lord said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod. [3] And he said, Cast it on the ground. And he cast it on the ground, and it became a serpent; and Moses fled from before it. [4] And the Lord said unto Moses, Put forth thine hand, and take it by the tail. And he put forth his hand, and caught it, and it became a rod in his hand: [5] That they may believe that the Lord God of their fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath appeared unto thee.


There is one thing placed in our hands in this generation. One thing that the Lord has anointed and breath upon. One thing that the Lord can work on. To the end that THEY MAY BELIEVE THAT THE LORD GOD....

That one thing is not just placed in our hands. It is strategically placed. It is placed with all reverence. It is placed in our hands logically, though we may be ignorant of it.

God, who will not look on this generation to waste. God who will not waste Word. God who will not but make prophecy come to fulfilment. God who understands time and season has at this time delivered that one thing into our hands. That one thing is MEDIA.

For we're not ignorant of devil's devices. We're children of light and not of the night that we'll be ignorant of his strategies. We're aware of the havoc Satan and his cohort are doing with media in our generation. He knew that it is one of the mighty tools in the hand of God for his end time soul harvesting, and so the strong attack on Media...

It seems Satan often hijack God's method of doing his work. But we understand by wisdom that he's only scattering places because he has been beheaded. But now, the Lord is taking Media to its maximum functioning in his kingdom.

The act of designing, writing, photography, videography and anything medially you can talk about started from God...

In the beginning, God said let us create man in our image... (this is an act of designing)

He'll bring visions and dreams of past, present and future events to your head at his best time... (this is videography in play)

He was the one who firstly wrote the first ten commandments in the scriptures. He's still writing in the heart of men by his spirit now.... (this is publication)

And so, we can see several operations of God in MEDIA. He's the pioneering father in everything in MEDIA

This dimensions of God in media was and is first displayed in light before it's physical manifestation is birth to being. Because God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. It is in this mode and pattern of functioning he has placed man, so that man can effectively function and use this media tool in his hand for kingdom manifestations.

Any man can function in this capacity or dimension in media when such man has been trained by the Lord for such service. So, any man who is found fit in any of this will be able to effectively use this tool - media, for winning souls into his kingdom.

You can use this normal graphic design to win soul into God's kingdom‼
With your photo cameras, you can attract men into God's kingdom‼ I've heard of cameraman physically snapping angelic being of God in a meeting‼ Many and many stories untold...

I can see God raising giants in his kingdom in MEDIA

© 2018

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