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Sunday 15 April 2018


Text: Job 36 vs 11
"If they obey and serve him, they will spend the rest of their days in prosperity and their years in contentment"

Nothing enables a man to enjoy prosperity in life other than obedience to God and the act of service to His kingdom.

When we make it a lifestyle to serve and obey God then we had chosen prosperity as our lifestyle also. We will be a shinning light and a good example to others in every area of our life.

Striving to prosper just like people who are in the world do is not the will of God for our lives but we find ourselves doing so because of our disobedience to God and our act of service to ourselves and not to God.

Do what He says and you will see yourself being prosperous.

For more, study ( Isaiah 1 vs 19-20, Psalm 1 vs 1-6, Isaiah 48 vs 17-19)

Happy Sunday.

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