It's another moment for us to learn at His feet. Ensure you gently study this article.
Our positioning is an integral responsibility for us to see the Lord.
In this article, we shall focus on POVERTY OF SPIRIT. God and the activities of His Royalty (Kingdom) is a possession for those who present themselves as helpless / feeble / submitting their ego in His presence (Matthew 5 vs 3). There is nothing as great as HOSTING the divine presence of God.
God has made Himself so close to us, even closer than our inner-wears. He resides in the heart of those who position themselves for His habitation. It is our part to totally forget our achievements, and become so low. King David put off his dress and danced like a common man. He saw the Lord. This man understood being poor despite his position as the king of Israel.
Our positioning and presentation will determine the nature/direction of the king's sceptre towards us.
A poor man before God is a candidate of hosting His Presence.
We can't just visit The King like the prodigal son and then expect a correct Father-son relationship.
In Yoruba land, it is an obligation for one to lie down flat before communicating with the King. One as well needs to be lowly like someone who owns nothing before God. He will definitely raise you up as you become low. He will crash you if do otherwise - you can ask king Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar, they will tell you their experience. It was a bitter one.
FCN SONAB needs men who are set to submit all they are and have for God Himself to rule in their personal lives. We can only host His presence when we've become DWELLERS OF HIS PRESENCE.
Now, submit yourself to His Lordship as you welcome Him. He awaits your spiritual call.
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