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Friday, 1 June 2018


Luke 24 vs 35
"Then the two told what happened on the way, and how Jesus was recognised by them when he broke the bread"

Everybody has a particular identity before God and men. The disciples of Jesus Christ could not recognise Him when He joined them while they were discussing about our Lord Jesus Christ who was not found in the tomb where His body was laid until when he did His usually act of breaking the bread and giving it to them, then they recognise Him.

We are known based on our act or deeds and this speaks alot about us. Let us therefore forsake any unpleasant act we hold unto and let us manifest the life we received in Christ Jesus. Don't forget, your act is your identity.

For more, study ( Matthew 7 vs 15-20, Matthew 5 vs 9, 13-16, Colossians 3 vs 1-17)

Written by Bro Kadiri Joseph.

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