Just as sheep bleats, and as the lion roars, man is expected to speak word. Word is not merely all that proceed out of the mouth. It is the life in what is being said.
Our words are lifeless because we are lifeless. Living words only come out of men who have life (living soul).
A living soul according to the book of Genesis chapter two verses seven is a man with the breath of life of the Lord God.
KJV:And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
Upgrade your words to become life and established as you surrender yourself to God for correct making.
We are children of authority. Our words are expected to carry weight. No power is expected to limit or render useless our words, because we are faaarrrr above them.
It's time for us to become men like Elijah, Paul, Elisha, Daniel..., whose words were threats to the kingdom of darkness.
Let's get serious with God to make us to what suits Him - His image. God is spirit, His words are spirit and heavy. We're is Likeness, our words are to be spirit, not just laryngeal (voice box) production.
What distinguishes men-of-God from others is the authority in their words. Elijah said "if I be a man of God, let fire come down... ". Without any hesitation, it came true. Remember that this man has been in the wilderness for long being fed with divine meal. Tell me, how won't his words create a quake in his territory? Definitely it will.
Friend, let get serious. It's high time!
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