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Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Spiritual Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorder that is marked by abnormal increase in blood sugar level. The three primary manifestations are excessive urination, thirst and hunger.

Many Christians are loaded with various classes of spiritual foods, yet, not even useful to themselves. You would have seen many who are loaded with scriptures, even in revelatory form, but alas, they suffer starvation. It's actually a disease.

Having a reservior of rhema without correct measure of dishing it out will adversely affect your entire body system. Many have purulent stuffs, with the thought that they're heavily loaded. God's Word is forever powerful, but what distinguishes 'old' from 'new' is the breath of God on the Word. This is what I am trying to say, the scripture becomes powerful when being breathed into by the Spirit of God.

It's not how far but how well. Having reserved sugar is good, but the issue is, are you making good use of it? It can kill.

Causes and risk factors of DM-
Autoimmunity: when your own immune system attacks it's own body part. You need to make yourself in good alignment with God's Word, instead, it will backfire due to hypocrisy.

Obesity: Having unnecessary weights. This basically act to resist the action of insulin.
NB- Holy Spirit plays the role of insulin, in making logos a reality and edible for us.

Others include: Lack of exercise, stress, family history etc.

Gestational DM: This is a type of DM among pregnant women. Spiritually, because you're impregnated with a big purpose is not a need for you to kill yourself. Allow Holy Spirit to accurately lead you as become hungry and thirsty for God in pursuit of your pregnancy. Keep watch.

Watch out for the Clinical manifestations, complications and treatment in the second edition.

Thank you so much.

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