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Monday, 11 February 2019



     Gratitude is feeling of thankfulness and appreciation (Word web dictionary). It is when an individual acknowledges a favour, gift, even the presence of another being.

     The familiar truth is, many of us demonstrate a level of gratitude, either to our friends, colleagues, employees, bosses... (the list is somewhat endless). Right? (You must have said yes?) Smiles...

      However, oftentimes, we tend to ignore the people in our immediate circumference of influence, namely our parents, our siblings, best friends, Even our creator sometimes.  E.t.c. I was like that too.  We feel like,  he is my dad, he knows I value and respect him, or oh! My mom knows I love her, I don't need to tell her. This has been greatly ignored especially in the world of heightened technology that is undoubtedly breaking up our intimacy with people that really matter to our lives. 

     Would you answer this question with utmost profoundness and sincerity?
When was the last time you called that guidian of yours to tell him or her; I love and appreciate all you do for me, and I pray God blesses you? 
     I am not talking about when he/she just finished paying your school fees here.... (Smiling, I caught you).

      Well, the psychology of gratitude cannot be overemphasized, as a matter of fact, it enhances the serotonin secretion from the brain. Serotonin is sometimes called the happiness hormone.  Serotonin regulates the mood, prevents depression and makes you feel happy. The healing therapy of gratitude has been overlooked in our society today. As such many parents become subjects of depression, a lot of young persons become victims of suicide. They feel, after all, no one appreciates who I am or what I do. They mutter the words of hopelessness to their listening souls. Whereas, their sons/ daughters/ parents are top political icons, or people of substance in the society. They focus on the transient many, neglecting the crucial-few.

     Did you remember the last time you picked up your phone to say; Mom, I just want to say thank you for all you have been doing for me. I do not take any of these things for granted. God bless you.

  Of course, this kind of statement is expected when someone had done something tangible for us and we feel indebted to their kindness. Howbeit, here is my emphasy; learn to appreciate them shockingly, when they least expect it.  In fact, the motive for gratitude is not some reciprocity. MoresoThis bountiful emotion that life is abundant makes a person feel grateful toward loved ones, colleagues, animals and, of course, mother nature. There is also utility in gratitude such as making amends or solving issues at hand. Reciprocity is not needed in feeling gratitude, which has a karmic quality in and of itself. The receiver is compelled to pay the goodness forward, generating positivity all around (Psychology Today).

   The over 1000 friends you've got on various social media won't be there for you always, perhaps a gregarious kind of intimacy, so it amazes me why many of us had made them prerogatives of our time and thanks, but have denied our own soul mates, spouses, families, "good friends", and siblings this healthy meal, called gratitude.

    Once in a while, tell them profoundly: "I love and appreciate all you do ". You will be dazzled by the rewards that gratitude offers. 

🌩️The Rewards of Gratitude.🌩️

   It is quite important to note here, that the...

Ops! This is getting voluminous, don't get bored; Reach for your glass of water!  Then👉,click to read full article 

CPB: Devoted to you.

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