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Sunday, 2 February 2020

Expand Your Horizon

Your horizon determines your rising in life. For you to rise in life, your horizon must change positively. Your horizon determines the height you reach in life. Horizon refers to our perspective, outlook, worldview, perception, or point of view.
We can probably say that our horizon is the MINDSET -  framed by our beliefs, level of understanding and exposure.

John Powell says 'A person can grow only as much as his horizon allows’. Every man lives under the same sky, but we have different horizons.

Exposure enlarges horizon.
Go out and attend programs, seminars, workshops, events, especially those in line with the purpose why God has created you. Don’t be a local champion!

An Africa adage says – The person who has not moved around enough, can easily conclude that his father’s farm is the biggest.

For example, if you travel out of the country or go on excursion and you see the way things are done or get new experiences, your horizon will be expanded. Some of us use our town to define the world. You will begin to understand that you have the potential to achieve great things.

Learning and reading broadens horizons.
Your horizon gets widened as you read good books, motivational, spiritual, historical, biographies, stories of men who have succeeded
A sage said when we open books, we discover we have wings.

Mentorship must not be ignored.
Issac Newton made a very critical statement – 'If I have been able to see farther than my contemporaries, it is because I stand on the shoulders of great men’.

Finally, a Divine encounter powerfully resets your horizon.When God visits a man; He enlarges the man’s horizon. If you ever have an encounter with the Almighty God, your horizon experiences an incredible shift.
Culled from Firecrackers, an insightful and inspiring programme of the Youth Transformation Campaign.

Brought to you by crownpasteblog

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