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Sunday 29 January 2017


#needle #needleeye

The needle: what a tiny object use for sewing. A thread is insert ed into the needles eyes to join torn cloth or just two cloth together.

Wow... This is so great.
This life is like a needle, to succeed is just like passing through the needles eye... What a stressful journey.

The needle being seem difficult to find when it falls but hey lets look at it this way.

The needle drop where there is enough ''Luminous''- light, you don't have to stress yourself looking for it.

This can be introduced into our life as a human being. When we are at the right place things go on straight and well.

Every day is just like passing the needles eye. We face challenges everyday but the strength that God gives helps us to overcome each day.

If you think you can't pass the needle eye always remember your creator he watches over you, he never sleeps nor slumber....

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