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Wednesday, 12 April 2017


             This word kept ringing in my heart as I see many people having issues with IDENTITY, and as a result get themselves involved in activities that so much belittle who they really are. without using to many words than necessary, I want you to see this scripture for yourself and stop allowing situations, actions and thought to define u.
....."for we are God's MASTERPIECE. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long a ago. Ephesians 2 : 10 NLT.
ur life might look to be in pieces, allow Jesus to put them together, it will give you a MASTERPIECE.

  When a life/identity is shattered, scattered and disjointed, it is Termed pieces, but wen Jesus who sustains ALL things together by His powerful words(Heb 1:3) knits u together, u become a MASTERPIECE!
You are God's MASTERPIECE!
JESUS is the answer!
Your Friend and Brother:

    Ajayi O. Stephens'

CPB: Devoted to bringing you the best accross the globe.

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