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Thursday, 7 September 2017

Weightless Weight (1)

👉🏻An inheritance may be gotten hastily at the beginning; but the end thereof shall not be blessed.
*Prov 20:21*

An inheritance obtained too early in life is not a blessing in the end. *(NLT)*

Friend, this inheritance include any ungodly way a man uses to acquire wealth unto himself,

Ask yourself this pls:

Am I a  seller who unnecessarily adds to the price of my goods ?

Are u a student turning your parents to a money fetching ATM ?

Do I involve in ungodly attitudes, relationships, deal or business just in the name of money ?

Have I placed my value for money beyond the things of God ?
You see money is very good❗
Yes, no denial,
But the truth seldom told is, money readily responds to a *kingdom Demand*
The Lord will never allow his child(ren) to be poor.
Oneness with the Lord is poverty-curative. 🔥

Today, I sincerely encourage u to live up with that mentality.


Why a man remains peniaphobic (fear of being poor) is due to his mindset. When the mind is poor, everything becomes futile.

The devil (our adversary) would say, ehnmmmm,

you know you came from a very poor home?

You know your parents are not supportive?

You know you are not too brilliant?

You know you are a lady, you cannot be really wealthy,

You know you cannot learn a vocation successfully?

Unless you get involved in duping and forcefully taking what isn't yours, u cant be wealthy"

These are LIES❗
Even if you get the money, it is a *weightless wealth,*
Don't agree with those lies❌

Beloved, here is what God has to say about YOU:

_But you are not like that, for you are a chosen people. You are royal priests, a holy nation, God's very own possession_... (1Pet 2:9)NIV

Oh my God❗
Did u see that?
*God's very own possession...*

Tell me, who then has the final say except the Lord.

Accept him as your Lord and saviour, he wants to express himself in you, give JESUS a chance, you will never regret it.


Finally: you don't have to cut corners to be wealthy.
Just work, pray and believe.

Don't forget:
Quick wealth is not a blessing in the end.

*El cether*🙇🏽

👉🏻 *A better us: God's desire*

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