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Wednesday, 25 April 2018

Nigerian Man returned bag of money found in Mecca

A Facebook user identified as Ejalonibu Ganiyu, who is Nigerian Islamic Imam, has taken to the social networking platform and showed the depths of his integrity after he reportedly returned a bag of money he found during his pilgrimage in Mecca.

The Imam revealed that he had found the bag of money after observing his evening prayers, adding that he had immediately called the police to hand it over to them in other to find the owner of the money.

According to Ganiyu, the police officer was shocked about the incident, was surprised that a Nigerian man could show such honesty.

He wrote: "Today after solat suhur, I lost my phone somebody brought it to me then I went for mogrib prayer with four people whom we went together I found huge money my mind told me Allah is greater than this money. I called the police and handed the money to him.

"He was very surprised DAT a Nigerian can return such money and he thanked me. DAT is the money in the picture may Almighty Allah reward All of us with Aljanat fridaos Amin masalam."

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