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Thursday, 12 July 2018


 Image result for I'm tired of the status quo


Desperation for a better change is a state of dissatisfaction with one’s present level in spite several persuasion from people or environment.

It is that feeling you have when you are in such a bad situation that you are willing to take risks in other to change it (Cambridge English dictionary).
Just like a cause-effect relationship, Information begets desperation.

Men who really made mark on the sand of time were men that were dissatisfied with their status quo. 

"...When he heard, that it was Jesus from Nazareth, 
he shouted, Jesus, son of David, have pity on me"!
( Mark 10:47 GNV)
A few notes from text:
  • ·         The first thing the blind Bartimaeus had was not desperation; he first had information ‘he was informed that was Jesus from Nazareth passing by.
  • ·         The second, was the knowledge of the person of Jesus, and his capabilities, he believed the savior could turn his situation around, and make him smile again. Indeed, he that cometh unto him must believe that he exist, and he is a re-warder of those who diligently seek him.
  • ·         Blind Bartimaeus became uncomfortable with his present state at once. Not until we become uncomfortable with our default state, our season of change is not imminent.
·         He became increasingly unstoppable in his pursuit for a change. Many people told the poor man to stop, but he shouted even louder, son of David, have pity in me.

Our focus on the person of Jesus should not be shifted or discouraged by the persuasion of men or circumstances.
  • ·         Eventually, he met the savior. Beloved, is there some worrisome situation in your life, marriage, education, family, career or business? Are you tired, almost thinking of giving up? All you need to meet is JESUS. The chorus of that song by the American musician, 'AL GREEN' cannot be forgotten, who wrote:

Ask the savior to help you,
comfort, strengthen and keep you,
he is willing to aid you,
he will carry you through...”.

  • ·         Finally, Jesus stopped and attended to him.
Notice, the scripture did not say it was when Jesus heard him that he stopped, but after he yet shouted even louder beyond the persuasion of men; he got the rare attention of Jesus.

  • Jesus respects those who will not fizzle-out in their chase of him.
  • ·         Alas! It was a last chance for the beggar to receive his miracle; Jesus never passed through Jericho again. In fact, three days afterwards, Jesus was already on the cross.That son of Timaus indeed seized his opportunity. Unknown to him, it was his last opportunity; else, he could have gone to the grave in his beggarly-blinded situation.

  •  A time with Jesus should be handled honorably and used maximally to reveal his glory. 

We should not procrastinate our meeting him. Men who are really desperate (discontented) with their present condition don't do that. Do it now.

There's got to be MORE! 

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