SPIRITUAL PASSAGE: "2 Now both Jesus and His disciples were invited to the wedding. 3 And when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to Him, “They have no wine.” 4 Jesus said to her, “Woman, what does your concern have to do with Me? MY HOUR HAS NOT YET COME.” 5 His mother said to the servants, WHATEVER HE SAYS TO YOU, DO IT.” - John 2:2-5.
Brethren, In Biblical times offering wine or drinks to your guests at a wedding was an expected courtesy. It was also a sign of respect, so running out of it would have been considered a social disaster. But observe how Mary handled it. Instead of looking for someone to blame, or making excuses, she took her problem to Jesus, God's Ambassador to mankind. That’s always your best move. ‘O what peace we often forfeit, O what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry, everything to God in prayer.’ Jesus told the servants to fill the jars with water and give some to the headwaiter. When he tasted it, the Bible says, ‘…the water had become wine….. ’ (John 2:9). But notice, it happened after they had obeyed Jesus, not before.
Beloved, At a particularly contentious church council, church ministers, church workers or church departmental meeting when one member suggested they pray about the problem, another responded, ‘Has it come to that?’ There are basically two reasons we make prayer our last resort instead of our first: we like to think we’re able to solve our own problems or we feel insignificant and think, ‘It’s okay for Mary to ask Jesus; she’s His mother, but He’s got bigger problems to solve than mine.’ No, your problems are important to God - all of them! He delights in you (Ps 18:19).
He rejoices over you as a bridegroom rejoices over his bride (Isaiah 62:5). You’re never too big or too small to ask your heavenly Father for help. Just learn from Mary: identify the problem, bring it to God, do what He tells you, and watch Him work it out. So, you have to solely DEPEND on God, for God to show you His CUSTOMIZED PLAN and then see the BIG PICTURES ahead of you in order for God to solve your problems!
SOULMEAL: Acts 16-17, Matthew 10:1-10, Psalms 140, Proverbs 16:3.
Pray: 1. Lord I thank God for the grace to know the Truth. 2. Lord I ask for the grace to destroy every hindrances that will not allow me to depend on you and wait for you to solve my problems in Jesus name. Amen.
CONFESSION: Lord Jesus, I receive grace to always hearken to your voice, devil I resist you and your voice from now on, I receive power to be spiritually sensitive to the things of God, Lord because you are the Lord that knoweth all things; Lord with the help of the Holy Spirit I am relying on you to solve all my problems in Jesus mighty name. Amen
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