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Saturday, 15 April 2017



Every morning gives the room for competition but the most astonishing 
aspect is that just few are needed to govern the masses.

Now, the fact 
that you aren’t selected to lead, govern, or to be a famous and renounced 
person doesn’t implies that you are all irrelevant.

You are highly relevant 
in your habitat irrespective of your area or what you are. Do remember 
that, that which you have at hand is what majority seek in their daily endeavors or at times in their lifetime.

The area you occupy which is your niche in the habitat is also where many wish they ephemerally 

So, regardless of what you have and where you are, you are 
relevant and you can make a great impact. Remember it’s not in 
everyone’s power to secure wealth, office, or honors, but everyone may be 
good, generous and be wise.

Whenever you discover that wealth 
acquisition mission is becoming a flame in the air, then the best thing to 
do to be relevant is to help another man in your lane whose strength is 
more than yours but lack resources which you possess to secure that 
wealth without the expectation to take a reward during and after the 
course of your help out.

You can also be relevant by doing good, being 
generous, and being sage. Since everyone has the ability to be good, 
then, there is no reason for mankind to be wicked and heartlessly 
callous. Being heartless render mankind useless and irrelevant.

Generosity comes from the heart, is not until when one is multi￾millionaire before being generous.

Always be a Good Samaritan with that 
resources at your disposal. Being wise is also a means to be relent, remain and maintain relevancy.

Find solutions to your friend’s problem 
and remain a good planner of yours and others without human right violation.

Think to get more renovations which will help humanitarian even to the point of employment creation.

Remember pleasure often comes after pressure. Irrespective of your position, states, resources and your being, try to be relevant.

Everyone wasn’t in power years back, everyone is not in power today and everyone will certainly occupy not a leadership throne in years to come. So, regardless of your position, states, or your resources, don’t be abash and always remember that you are highly relevantly relevant even when people pretend you 
aren’t. BE XENIAL.

From the temple of wisdom, I represent A.O.A (OLUWASINA 

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