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Monday, 17 April 2017


"All things Bright and Beautiful",
"All things are beautifully made".
The above has been illogical consolation given to issues when the only road is ahead the pinacle of a mountain.

And the truth is;
All things are not beautiful,
All things are not beautifully made.
Songwriting is more of poetic, thus the songwriter wrote the first statement in personal euphoria, the world as a whole has never for once been at peace, he (songwriter) can only speak for himself.

And as well, the second statement was from the bible, and the writer wrote what he saw.

If all things beautiful were made beautifully, then where did the ones that aren't beautiful come from.

In trying to make people feel good, you say these words, but a deep thinker would know the sincerity of these words is less than good water that could be found on the desert.

We have come to a era in life that needs humans to be realistic and to stop our delusive hallucinations.

All things are not bright and beautiful,
All things are not beautifully made;
we might just imagine they are, with the hazards and evils that arises subsequently after one another and it didn't today,it did at the inception of the world.

No mythical story about creation isn't absurd and as well every of those myths you can ever have through religions, races, castes or any element that distiguishes human,has absurdities and elements that aren't beautiful,

I wouldn't say humans caused the stain in the beauty, I'd say the beauty was made with stains, right from every begining we listened to and every begining, we read.

Anyone that finds himself in the position to speak to people or to connect to peoples life let them know;

"All things are not bright and beautiful,
and All things are not beautifully made"
You're the one that will make all things bright and beautiful with your 'Steadfast Positivity'

"A man is the architect of his fate".
John Fletcher.

¤Emma' 'Pelumi Falode, Pelfald.
# BeBetterBePositive

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