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CPB search

Tuesday, 13 February 2018



A résumé is a document utilized by job aspirants to present a rundown of their aptitudes, abilities and achievements.

At the end of the day, a resume is often a short and brisk way for a job searcher to acquaint themselves to a potential recruiter.


A résumé is fundamental to getting your foot in the entryway. Recruiters utilize resumes as an approach to instantly filter potential candidates, choosing just the people they feel are ideal for the position, so ensuring your resume is fit as a fiddle is completely crucial.

Curriculum vitae and Resume may be near to things, but consists huge difference in various aspects making it two different things in feature and definitions.

Curriculum Vitae is the overview of your academic and professional Background wheres Resume is the description or sums up of relevant skills and talents that you have.

Curriculum Vitae can be about four to maximum ten pages, but the resume is traditionally made not exceeding two pages.

Curriculum vitae can be written in Chronological order, on the other hand, the Resume should be written in reverse chronological order.

Curriculum Vitae contains details of your educational background and work experience, honors, awards, scholarships, grants, theses, published works and skills, whereas Resume explains your biography, contact details, educational background, relevant skills, and job experience. These shows that Curriculum Vitae is more vast in terms of the information it contains and size than a Resume.

A curriculum vitae follows the same format no matter which job you are applying for, but the format of resume may be changed regarding the job you are applying for.

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