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Monday 5 March 2018

Unbelievable! Young Lady Survives Ghastly Accident As Vehicle Falls Off A Bridge (Photos)

Queen Ike
A young lady is filled with thanks to God after surviving a ghastly motor accident while on her way to Kaduna State for a church programme.
The vehicle she boarded fell off a bridge as the driver was trying to avoid a head-on-collision with an oncoming trailer. The vehicle was badly mangled as it fell into a water body down the bridge.
Excited Queen Ike who survived the accident and celebrated her birthday yesterday - took to Facebook to share the good news.
Read her testimony below:
"Hmmmm………..Can’t believe I am actually saying Happy Birthday to me. I OWE GOD EVERYTHING. Apparently, the devil had planned to make me rest in peace before this day but how I got out of it, I can’t tell.

I have never been in a near death situation soo much as I did last Sunday, just 1 week before my birthday.

Guys, on my way to Kaduna with four other people for a church programme, we were all busy making corrections on the flyer that we had to share at the venue, next thing we heard was tires screeching and our car swerving from left to right. Infront of us was a trailer who had left his lane, swerved into ours and destabilized our driver who then tried to dodge a head on collision.

At that point, our car after many turns, leaped off the bridge and dropped from the top of that bridge down to the river…………..All the while, we were all screaming and MY GOD, that fall was like eternity cause we had no idea where or what we were falling into……..The scariest part was the impact, can’t even explain it……….but GUESS WHAT? Five of us all came out alive. Did I mention we had a generator filled with fuel in the boot of the car? I mean we fell from there, inside the river, see the height!!

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