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Tuesday, 3 April 2018


⟴ Immeasurable thanks to God the Holy Spirit for this little discovery, and to Robert Greenleaf, author of servant leadership for fleshing out more on this topic, I couldn't probably have thought of bringing up an insightful topic as this. No. Not even in a month of sundays... ( Yea)

The discovery in this article may likely go against the grain, to damaging some already established, "yet not totally" correct belief systems. Please allow it, its exclusively therapeutic. 
I promise,
Though, not I...

Relax: Now, to the word  ⏩"MATURITY".
 Dear valued reader, lets examine some definitions about this subject of "Maturity"

The Cambridge dictionary defines it as "the quality of behaving mentally and emotionally like an adult : a very advanced or developed form or state."

The wikipedia also has this to say about maturity that, "Maturity encompasses being aware of the correct time and place to behave and knowing when to act, according to the circumstances and the culture of the society one lives in."

Also, The Marriam Webster dictionary defines the word as, a quality or state of being matureespecially full development.

 A great applaud and respect to the inventors and brains behind these fantastic definitions, as a matter of fact, the definitions are very;
But while these definitions arent bad, yet, they are incomplete. (I humbly submit)

But why?
You want to ask, 
(smart reader I know you are,)

Here is the reason: 
In most cases/definitions, maturity has been defined as a "state" rather than a "process"

maturity has been defined as a "state" rather than a "process"

 The fact is:
"We don't become mature, we are becoming mature"

Come to think of it, there are a few stages a child should undergo before attaining the phase of adulthood, and these include...


Trust me, you dont want to miss the completion...

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