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Friday, 22 June 2018


Text: Proverbs 30 vs 25
"Ants are creatures of little strength yet they store up their food in the summer"

Many had believed that the more strength you have the more success you are bound to achieve and unfortunately they fail themselves.

Even though a man has all the resources it takes to be successful and yet he lacks wise planning, he will still end up being a failure.

Wise planning is a must for anyone who wants to be successful. The ants lacks strength but with their wise planning they achieve much. A wise planning enables a man to be successful even though he has little resources.

Always set ahead of you a wise plan and you will end up being successful.

For more, study ( Ecclesiastes 7 vs 11-18, Ecclesiastes 3 vs 1-11, Ecclesiastes 4 vs 13, Ecclesiastes 9 vs

Written by Bro Kadiri Joseph

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