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Friday, 22 June 2018

The open secret about your first impression

You are Welcome!

An open secret refers to something that is widely known to be true but which none of the people most intimately concerned are willing to categorically acknowledge in public.
 In pychology, a first impression is the event when one person first encounters another person and forms a mental image of that person.

While many a person do not pay attention to their first contact with others, some others however believe that this isn't as important as sustaining a relationship.

Not disputing, first impressions are based on a wide range of characteristics which include: age, race, culture, language,gender, physical appearance, accent, posture,voice, number of people present, and timeallowed to process, nonetheless, The first impressions individuals give to others could greatly influence how they are treated and viewed in many contexts of everyday life, (Read more)


The fact is, alot goes on at first contact, for example, as a student, did you remember the first time a particular lecturer walked into to your class?

You could tell a few things about him or her right?

The approach/mannerism, course presentation, you could guess his or her temperament right? What pisses him/her off or calms him down. You could even guess his/her idea of personal hygiene, (smiles). Comical as some of these attributes may seem, most of them are embedded in our unconscious mind. And you can trust the unconscious mind dear, even if your conscious mind forgets: it never forgets. This is why, humanly, we tend to relate with these people based on our idea of whom we percieved them to be, yet unaware. The duration of many relationships could jolly-well be hypothesized at first contact.

This is crucial, as such should be approached quite intentionally, yet in sincerity.

Briefly, what do you need to improve upon at your first contact with people?

Its quite purposeful to start up these points with the subject countenance first, while several factors are responsible for someones's countenance, please note this, your countenance may either be good or bad. Never in between: never both. For some, its a fallen countenance owing to a wrong previously done, like that of Cain (Gen 4:5-6),
To some others, it could be sad, proud, fearful, humble, meek, e.t.c.
So it may not be wrong to say: our belief system forms our habits, then our character, which creeps into our countenance and influences peoples impression about us.
I humbly infer, If a man delights in hurting God always, such man may remain countenance-sick.


As opined by Alan Osen , If you speak first it can be a sign of control, which can lead to mistrust. If you do have to speak first, try to start with a question. Then listen. It’s usually a good idea to engage in some “small talk.” Just shoot the breeze for a few minutes in order to allow the person some relaxed time to formulate an opinion.


Please, dont be too quick to disagree with another person's opinion, evidenced by facial expression, a warm smile and calm softness of "No" is far better than a hurridly grim of diapproval.  In fact, In a 2014 study, a group at the University of York reported that impressions of the traits of approachability, youthfulness/attractiveness and dominance can be formed from measurable characteristics such as the shape of and the spacing around the eyes, nose and mouth. it was found that first impressions of social traits, such as trustworthiness or dominance, are reliably perceived in faces. Smiles, it is as evident as that. So, when you are not talking, your face is. 


I cannot imagine a sales person who wants to persuade me to purchase his or her goods, and could not give me some time to attend to my crying baby who needs my attention right beside me. Patience is cogent in delivery of first impression that is quite worthwhile. 


It has been well said that, you are addressed by the way you are dressed.  Thus, good physical hygiene is as important as the goods you want to sell or information you would like to relay in words. A well plaited or grommed hair, Simple Brazilian, Australian or African weave-on, A fine apparel (not too sophisticated) won't be a bad idea.

What other things do you think?

Kindly use the comment box below. 

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