It's profound to realize that behind every edifice, there is a framework. You can achieve your goals, but it's tied to the ability to recognize and properly utilize the basics.
In the Western education, we enrolled in basic or primary classes. Without this, no room for you to advance to be universe - the aim of University - although you're focusing on a course of study.
There is no problem to have a gigantic imagination. This is my question for you, do you know the basics of achieving it?
Don't just think. Think 'how'.
Don't just act. Act on the basics before you advance. If not, you'll eventually miss your path.
The neglect of basics/elementary in a pursuit is a primary sign of a journey that will soon end unfulfilled.
Do you have a vision to become a CEO? then learn the basics. Start from the elementary.
When crisis arises, the stronger your foundation, the better your prognosis.
How do we get the basics?
1. From those that are ahead of you in the field.
2. Research
3. Authority
4. In-depth thinking
Stay tune
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