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Thursday, 28 June 2018


SPIRITUAL PASSAGE: "7 I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the does of the field, Do not stir up nor awaken love Until it pleases." - Songs of Solomon 2:7

Beloved, when we feel hurt and rejected there’s something inside us that wants to prove we’re still worthy and desirable. As a result we can jump into the next relationship too quickly. But just like an infant doesn’t go from crawling to driving overnight, the infant will have to crawl, try to stand, staggering, walking, running etc. there’s a process involved. If you try to bypass it you will end up back at square one, wondering what happened. One author says: ‘A new relationship won’t successfully heal you, avoid aggravating inflicted wounds, or instantly clean up a mess... Regardless of the temporary bliss, sooner or later you will end up faced again with your old stuff… If this is your situation, do things the right way. Take your time…These things can’t be framed… rushed or… pursued.

God's people, everything will be given to you when you’re ready, and not a moment sooner... you want the real relationship this time… and [God] wants to choose for you, so in order to reach the treasure of your heart, a person must first pass through Him.’ Solomon writes that we should take care ‘not to awaken love until the time is right.’ Don’t be in such a hurry to take the edge off your pain that you run ahead of God. It takes time for Him to make you into the person He wants you to become. While He’s working on you, He’s preparing the heart of the right partner to show up at the right time. In the meantime, there’s a way to fill the emptiness inside; work on developing a closer relationship with God and He will ‘fill you with… joy and peace.’ (Romans 15:13 NIV). Never rush into it because rush out may be the end result!

SOULMEAL: 1 Samuel 1-3, Luke 3:1-10, Psalms 59:1-8, Provides 16:20-22.

Pray: 1. Lord I thank God for the grace to know the Truth. 2. Lord I ask for the grace to chose the right person. 3. Lord I want you to help me in taking godly and rightful decision towards my relationship and marriage in Jesus mighty name. Amen

��CONFESSION: Lord Jesus, I receive grace to always hearken to your voice, devil I resist you and your voice from now on, I receive power to be spiritually sensitive to the things of God, Lord because you are the Lord that knoweth all things; please help me in taking rightful decisions for my relationship in Jesus name.



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