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Friday, 19 May 2017


As soon as she and her friends got out of the lecture room, a very gigantic guy saw her, stopped,and stood firm to give her military compliments,as she is his senior the same campus para-military organisation.

Her gait and walking posture changed to that of Agbani Darego on the runway immidiately as she moved forward as she was overwhelmed in the euphoria of being superior and the honour came in midst of her friends.

She couldn't handle the pressure psychologically, probably she wasn't used to something like that or she had never receive compliments in public places.
We all as humans, need respect.

It helps build our self esteem.
But eitherway, respect needs administration and management, for it not become pride on the long run.

Maladministration of this, many a time, causes people taking others for granted, many feel superior and on the longrun complacency sets in.

Handling our relationship with people needs 'special' care;
Special in being meticulous about every thing that goes from us, what we project from ourself.

What others see in us that makes them respect us might just be little than death time.

And, it all could vanish in a twikle of an eye. None of us has deserved whatever position we have found ourself in, every position we function in as a leader is just an opportunity for us to display our sagacity and not to exhibit power that it holds.

Dear Leader,you're there to lead and indirectly the leadership is a stepping stone to other forms of leadership and ultimately the pinnacle of life.

Never take your subjects for granted, don't discard all their suggestions and don't make them feel less in whatever situation.

Sometimes, you might be in position to lead your contemporaries, that's the most sensitive part of leadership, ensure you make the right decisions in due time.

Subjects, be submissive to your leaders and make sure you are loyal and be blunt with the truth diplomatically in due time.

E.O. Falode,Pelfald.
# BeBetterBepositive

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